
We present 3D-Board, a digital whiteboard capable of capturing life-sized virtual embodiments of geographically distributed users. When using large-scale screens for remote collaboration, awareness for the distributed users’ gestures and actions is of particular importance. Our work adds to the literature on remote collaborative workspaces, it facilitates intuitive remote collaboration on large scale interactive whiteboards…

ERiC Control Room

ERiC Emergency Response and information Center Situation awareness is essential to the decision making process in the emergency response and control setting. Incorrect, distorted or incomplete situation awareness can lead to erroneous decisions with catastrophic consequences. Situation maps used for planning and decision making are fundamental to correct and complete situation awareness, and the maps…


Overview+Detail interfaces can be used to examine the details of complex data while retaining the data’s overall context. Dynamic data introduce challenges for these inter-faces, however, as moving objects may exit the detail view, as well as a person’s field of view if they are working at a large interactive surface. To address this “off-view”…