Best Paper Award – proCover – UIST2016

We are proud to announce that our paper “proCover: Sensory Augmentation of Prosthetic Limbs Using Smart Textile Covers” won a Best Paper Award at ACM UIST 2016! proCover was also featured on TechCrunch, Cool Wearable, RoboticGizmos, Inverse, and more! This work would not have been possible without an incredible team, including the many people from…

proCover paper @ UIST2016

We are excited to announce that our paper titled “proCover – Sensory Augmentation of Prosthetic Limbs Using Smart Textile Covers” has been accepted for UIST2016!  Despite the high-cost of prostheses that are on the market today, none of them give users an ability to feel. The core vision of proCover is to introduce wearables that can be donned over…

Website Relaunch

After weeks of hard and extensive work, we are very proud to present our new website. With this relaunch, we aim to better present our research, our team, and to put more emphasis on our diverse projects. Moreover, we brought the technology in the background up-to-date to provide you with a smooth and responsive experience.…

Open House Day

The University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria opened their door for interested visitors last Friday, 12th of March. Also the lab participated with guided tours and demos showing our different research activities.

2 papers @ CHI 2016

We are happy to announce that we will present two papers at this year’s CHI in San Francisco. The first one is FlexCase, a interactive flip cover for enhancing smartphone interaction, and the second one is Fireflies, a paper investigating the usage of ambient light for notifications. Beyond, we are very honoured to announce that FlexCase…